












Poiesis of Life and Praxis of Coexistence in Cultural Diversity

“Values & Sensibilities” Unit / “Disparities & Human Rights” Unit / “Japan” Unit / “East Asia” Unit / “Europe” Unit / “Middle East & Africa” Unit / “Americas & the Pacific” Unit

Shinji Kajitani

Our project constitutes the core of the Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity. Its main aim is to develop and provide conceptual frameworks and practical skills for students to solve various issues on cultural diversity and multicultural symbiosis in the everyday world. By synthesizing humanities with social and natural sciences, it offers interdisciplinary studies and fieldworks that center around the themes of life, environment, civil society, and multiculturalism. Conventional human-centric ways of thinking are frequently questioned in present-day society, which demands the reassessment of established boundaries between states, races, regions, generations, genders, languages, and educational fields. Our program has been seeking to reexamine and redefine cultural products such as art and architecture under the themes of life and environment, further understand diverse topics concerning food and civil society by engaging with field works of multiculturalism, regional revitalization, environmental protection, and also formulate approaches to recreate and reimagine borders with ‘Others’ in a globalized, diversified, and pluralized society. The program continues to nurture and develop human minds to fruitfully explore and organically connect contemporary issues on ‘cultural diversity’ and ‘life,’ and also to engage with the real world through practical activities by opening new horizons of society and cultivating new knowledge.

Since conventional academic disciplines and orthodox approaches cannot meet the demands of today’s multicultural and polarized society, we encourage all students to traverse different fields and disciplines, liaise with companies, NPOs, and activists, and collaborate with those working in related fields. The project emphasizes the ‘cooperative learning processes’ and ‘active engagements through the integration of humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Our project’s educational mission is to drive new ways of thinking and enhance intellectual initiatives through collaborative research, for meaningful solutions to challenging issues for a new society.

Classes Offered by the Project

Seminar in the Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity I 
(“Values & Sensibilities” Unit)

“Traversing ‘lifely’ cities and cultural representations”
This seminar is designed as a linguistic exploration into life-forming and life-formed cities as represented and constructed in modern English literature. It focuses on physical, intellectual, and existential perceptions and recognitions of ever-changing cities, in particular, London, through walking, moving, and traversing the urban space. We will examine the ways in which these perceptions and recognitions emerge as literary representations in 19th-century fictions. The seminar is going to pay particular attention to those living in alienated and repressed circumstances, whose views and visions will reveal perverted images and existential meanings of urban space.

Seminar in the Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity II
(“Disparities & Human Rights” Unit)

  1. “The Disparities and Coexistence between Urban and Rural Areas: A Theoretical Approach”
    Why are there disparities between urban and rural areas? Various issues concerning the industrial structure, the economy, the environment, human rights, politics, etc. have increased disparities. We propose to think about this comprehensive and complicated problem from the philosophical and historical perspectives.
  2. “The Disparities and Coexistence between Urban and Rural Areas: A Practical Approach”
    The aim of this course is to examine the relationship between urban and rural areas. The course focuses primarily on their industrial and social structures of the urban and rural areas, but also considers the characteristics, scales, and environmental problems of local (particularly agricultural) communities.

Fieldwork in Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity V
(“Poiesis of Life and Praxis of Coexistence in Cultural Diversity” Project)

Cultural Diversity and Dialogue
We will organize joint workshops and symposia with our partner universities on themes related to cultural diversity in East Asia. In 2018, a graduate workshop will be held in collaboration with Sungkyunkwan University and Tsinghua University.